Shoreview is:
- 交通便利,距离圣保罗和明尼阿波利斯市中心仅15分钟路程
- Home to 27,000 residents and 14,000 employees. 一个以社区为基础的城市,有许多不同的住房选择
- 一个一流的社区,为居民提供高质量的生活,拥有一流的学校, 大量的自然资源和休憩空间
Shoreview提供了各种各样的项目和机会来帮助企业扩张和成功. 专职工作人员和城市代表将与企业一对一地合作,提供帮助和支持.
Shoreview is:
Shoreview提供了各种各样的项目和机会来帮助企业扩张和成功. 专职工作人员和城市代表将与企业一对一地合作,提供帮助和支持.
Tom Simonson, City of Shoreview Tom Simonson • City of Shoreview
Grants and Financing, Business Expansion and Job Creation
Shoreview愿意考虑灵活的分区——包括密度, building height, setbacks and parking – if the project...
Tom Simonson, City of Shoreview Tom Simonson • City of Shoreview
Tom Simonson, City of Shoreview Tom Simonson • City of Shoreview
Grants and Financing, Redevelopment
Shoreview允许创建以重建为目的的税收增量融资区, economic development, and public infrastructure related...
Tom Simonson, City of Shoreview Tom Simonson • City of Shoreview
Grants and Financing, Redevelopment
Luis Mendoza, Open to Business Luis Mendoza • Open to Business
Small Business Resources
商业回收是一个帮助爱博体育手机版下载和华盛顿县的企业启动的项目, expand, improve, and manage business recycling,...
BizRecycling, Ramsey/Washington Recycling & Energy BizRecycling • Ramsey/Washington Recycling & Energy
Green and Energy Efficient
CEO Next Business institute致力于在爱博体育手机版下载培育本土企业,提供一套高端, high-speed business growth...
Rick Howden, Ramsey County Rick Howden • Ramsey County
Small Business Resources, Business Expansion and Job Creation
爱博体育手机版下载认识到需要将受污染的财产转化为可行的用途. Re-use of existing sites can increase development costs...
Rick Howden, Ramsey County Rick Howden • Ramsey County
Grants and Financing, Redevelopment
Pete Klein, Saint Paul Port Authority Pete Klein • Saint Paul Port Authority
Grants and Financing, Green and Energy Efficient
明尼苏达州就业和经济发展部(DEED)将监督会议中心救济赠款(CCRG)计划. This temporary...
COVID-19 Recovery
明尼苏达州就业和经济发展部(DEED)将监督电影院救济补助金计划. This temporary program...
COVID-19 Recovery
该项目帮助社区支付评估和清理受污染场地的费用,以便进行再开发. The program assists development authorities...
DEED Community Financing, Redevelopment
该计划为建造或翻新数据中心提供销售税豁免. The 20-year sales tax exemption applies to the...
DEED Tax Credits and Benefits, Business Expansion and Job Creation
DEED Business Financing, Business Expansion and Job Creation, Entrepreneurship
该项目支持少数族裔拥有和经营的企业的发展, low-income persons, women, veterans and/or persons with disabilities. ...
DEED Business Financing, Entrepreneurship
该计划的重点是通过新的创新企业和组织的增长创造和保留就业机会. The program...
DEED Community Financing, Business Expansion and Job Creation
该计划提供高达100万美元的融资,以帮助增加新工人并保持高质量的就业机会. The program...
DEED Business Financing, Business Expansion and Job Creation
该计划为达到创造就业机会和资本投资目标的新企业和正在扩大的企业提供财政激励. ...
DEED Business Financing, Business Expansion and Job Creation
该计划向受影响的公司提供贷款,当某些雇员被召去服兵役时. It also...
DEED Business Financing, Business Expansion and Job Creation
项目概述:该项目为贷款提供80%的贷款担保,最高250美元,000 made by a qualified economic...
COVID-19 Recovery
DEED Business Financing, Business Expansion and Job Creation
这个项目帮助社区重新开发衰败的工业, residential or commercial sites and putting land back into...
DEED Community Financing, Redevelopment
该计划证明场地已经完成了最耗时的技术和监管方面的开发,包括:规划, zoning,...
DEED Community Financing, Business Expansion and Job Creation, Redevelopment
TEDI是一项竞争性赠款计划,面向社区,用于创造就业机会的公共基础设施和道路项目, support economic...
DEED Community Financing, Business Expansion and Job Creation
请注意:有了新的COVID-19救援计划提供的额外资金, SBA will resume processing EIDL Loan...
COVID-19 Recovery
宜居社区示范账户(LCDA)为创新(再)开发项目提供资金,有效地将住房联系起来, jobs, services and transit in an effort to...
Hannah Gary, Metropolitan Council Hannah Gary • Metropolitan Council
Grants and Financing, Redevelopment
Grants and Financing, Small Business Resources
TBRA每年提供500万美元用于调查和清理棕地(污染土地), ground water, or buildings) for redevelopment. TBRA provides...
Marcus Martin, Metropolitan Council Marcus Martin • Metropolitan Council
Grants and Financing, Redevelopment